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12 Days of Cranial Nerves - Day 8

The Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII)

The vestibulocochlear nerve is also known as the auditory vestibular nerve. It transmits sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the inner ear to the brain[1]. The eighth cranial nerve splits into the cochlear nerve and the vestibular nerve. This is a primarily sensory nerve[2]. The vestibulocochlear nerve allows us to sense sound, gravity, and body rotation[2]. If a person’s eighth cranial nerve is damaged they may experience a vertigo, hearing loss, or a false sense of movement[2].


  1. Opens in new window
  2. Gailard, F., & Jones, J. 2005-2010. Cranial nerves.; [updated 2011, cited 2012 Apr 18]. Available from: Opens in new window

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